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Land degradation has direct impacts on human population and on loss of ecosystem services. Decline in ecosystem services in turn increasingly impacts daily livelihoods and hampers socioeconomic development in the areas most affected by land degradation. Most regions of the Africa suffer from several forms of environmental degradation, leading to desertification and with its detrimental impact on food and agricultural productivity and production. Africa loses an estimated 5 million hectares of tropical forest area per year. Land degradation is estimated to affect about 230 million hectares annually. In Kenya, Arid and semi-arid drylands cover approximately over 80% of Kenya’s landmass and are home to almost 30 and 70% of the human and livestock populations, respectively. Pastoral livestock–crop production systems constitute the main economic activity and source of livelihood. In Kenya, land degradation has widely been considered as a major environmental challenge threatening the livelihoods of over 12 million people living in degraded lands. Nearly 80% of Kenya’s landmass is affected by land degradation. It has been estimated that approximately 30–40% of the arid and semi-arid lands are rapidly being lost through degradation and an additional 2% have completely been degraded. In this regard, there is urgent need to address land degradation.
Hearts of Green has initiated agroforestry, afforestation and reforestation projects in degraded forest sites as well as on farm Hearts of Green empowers farmers in agroforestry practices by training them on species matching, silvicultural operations as well as sustainable land management.
Raising the tree canopy over a mere 10% of farmland allows us to capture 3.3 billion tCO2e annually. This quantity equals approximately one-fifth of the yearly emissions generated by the worldwide food industry. Moreover, expanded tree coverage enhances the durability of crops, fosters biodiversity, and manages pests, yielding substantial and enduring advantages for both local farmers and ecosystems. This ensures that the farmer gets maximum yields from his farm and also conserves the environment at the same time by safeguarding crucial water reservoirs, upholding soil integrity, and mitigating surplus carbon in the atmosphere.
Afforestation & Reforestation
Hearts of Green is collaborating with Kenya Forest Service, County Governments, Kenya Water Tower Agency, and the Private sector among other stakeholders to initiate afforestation and reforestation programmes in the five critical water towers of Kenya including Mt. Kenya, the Aberdares, the Mau Complex, Cherangany and Mt. Elgon.